Christos Matskas

Christos Matskas

Christos Matskas is a software developer, blogger, speaker and all around geek. He currently works at Microsoft as an Azure Engineer (PFE) empowering developers and teams to do amazing things with technology. Before joining Microsoft, he was a successful entrepreneur and has successfully collaborated with companies such as MarkIT, Lockheed Martin and Barclays. He's been building software for over 13 years and he's a passionate Open Source advocate. He contributes regularly to numerous OSS projects and works closely with the community to make the software development space bigger and better.

Talk: Serverless architecture with Azure

Azure Functions, LogicApps and Event Grid are that backbone of Azure Serverless. They support event-driven, micro-billing, horizontally scalable and all running on a fully managed infrastructure. Did I give it all away? This is not even half of the story! Azure Serverless is quickly becoming the go-to service for many different solutions, allowing developers to focus on what really matters, solving real world problems. These services come with a great developer story, a testable framework, local development and support for end-to-end DevOps.
Join Christos Matskas to find how to use your favourite tools and language to develop serverless, scalable, high performant and reliable solutions with the power of Azure.