Ádám Sándor

Ádám Sándor

Ádám moved from application development to a consultancy career in cloud native computing.
He currently works at Amsterdam-based consultancy Container Solutions. He is helping companies succeed in improving their delivery of business critical software by combining his application development experience with knowledge of container-based infrastructure.

Talk: What Java developers need to know about Kubernetes

A big change is happening in software development.
Docker is transforming the way we build applications, while Kubernetes has grown into a full-featured microservice platform. Java-based applications always had their own packaging format (jars, wars, ears) and runtimes in the form of applications servers of different sophistication.
What can the world of containers offer for developing and running Java applications?
Beyond the fact that containers can support a polyglot environment, container orchestrators present a novel solution to getting your code running on the right servers with the right configuration.

In this talk I will show how all of this affects the development process and architecture of Java applications.